| 1. | Middle east tourists escape sweltering heat in * favor of southeast asia ' s monsoon season 中东游客喜欢在东南亚雨季,前往避暑。 |
| 2. | The wet monsoon season from may to october had heavy rain ( up to 140 inches in the mountains ) 5月至10月的雨季时大雨滂沱(山区降雨量多达3560毫米。 ) |
| 3. | Pakistan ' s southern baluchistan and sindh provinces are used to heavy rains during the annual monsoon season 巴基斯坦南部两省经常在每年的一定季节遭到暴雨袭击。 |
| 4. | Pakistan ' s southern baluchistan and sindh provinces are used to heavy rains during the annual monsoon season 巴基斯坦南部俾路支斯坦和信德省在雨季中都有大量降水。 |
| 5. | Pakistan ’ s southern * * baluchistan and sindh provinces are used to heavy rains during the annual monsoon season 巴基斯坦南部的俾路支和信德省每年雨季都会有大量降雨。 |
| 6. | Outbreaks of mosquito - borne illnesses are common in india during and after the monsoon season , which ended in september 印度每年9月结束的雨季期间和之后经常发生由蚊子传染的疾病。 |
| 7. | More than 770 people have died as a result of this year ' s monsoon season across india , pakistan , bangladesh and afghanistan 今年的梅雨季节,在印度,巴基斯坦那,孟加拉国,和阿富汗,有超过770人因梅雨季死亡。 |
| 8. | Poor nomads hunt down the snakes in fields and forests during the monsoon season when they come out in the open after their holes are inundated with rain water 一些穷苦的牧民会在雨季期间到田间和森林里去捕蛇,因为在这个期间雨水会淹没蛇洞,而洞里的蛇就会纷纷爬到外面来。 |
| 9. | Sofar we don ' t have any report of outbreakes of communicable diseases , but the risk is obviously very high given the conditions of hygiene in affected areas and monsoon season very high heats and humidity conditions 目前为止,还没有传染性疾病暴发的迹象,但是就目前目前受灾地区的情况看,雨季高温和潮湿天气,极易爆发疾病 |
| 10. | So far we don ' t have any reports of outbreaks of communicable diseases , but the risk is obviously very high , given the conditions * * of hygiene in the affected areas , and the monsoon season very high , heat and humidity conditions 到目前为止,我们还没有收到任何有关爆发传染性疾病的报告,但是考虑到受灾地区的卫生状况,雨季的潮热程度很高,危险性显然很高。 |